Water detection (2)

Water detection
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  • Jablotron JA-110F Bus water overloop detector Jablotron JA-110F Bus water overloop detector Jablotron JA-110F Bus water overloop detector Jablotron JA-110F Bus water overloop detector Jablotron JA-110F Bus water overloop detector Jablotron JA-110F Bus water overloop detector

    JablotronJA-110F Bus water overflow detector

    Delivery time 1 - 2 working days


    Jablotron JA-110F Bus water overflow detectorThe Jablotron JA-110F Bus water overflow detector is used to indicate floods (in basements, bathrooms, etc.). This information is transmitted to the alarm system via the BUS.Product Info


    Delivery time 1 - 2 working days

    €43,78 €52,97

  • Jablotron LD-81 | Wateroverloop detector

    JablotronLD-81 | Water overflow detector

    Delivery time 1-2 business days


    LD-81 | Water overflow detectorImportant features:Operational environment II. internalOperational temperature range -10 To 40° CAlarm condition Water floodingComplies with EN 50130-4, EN 55022Directly headable to central or e.g. with JA-81m


    Delivery time 1-2 business days

    €28,45 €34,43


Water detection


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