Water detection (2)

Water detection
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  • Sale -30% -30% Ajax Systems LeaksProtect Waterdetector Draadloos Binnen Ajax Systems LeaksProtect Waterdetector Draadloos Binnen Ajax Systems LeaksProtect Waterdetector Draadloos Binnen Ajax Systems LeaksProtect Waterdetector Draadloos Binnen Ajax Systems LeaksProtect Waterdetector Draadloos Binnen

    Ajax SystemsLeaksProtect Water Detector Wireless Indoor

    Delivery time 1-2 business days

    €77,70€64,21 -30% -30%

    The AJAX water leak detector is ideal for the bathroom, or possibly the laundry room,If 1 of the 4 contacts is touched by water, the alarm will go off immediately! You can go out the door with a good feeling!...


    Delivery time 1-2 business days

    €64,21 €44,94 €77,70 €54,38

  • Sale -30% -30% Ajax Systems LeaksProtect Waterdetector Draadloos Binnen Ajax Systems LeaksProtect Waterdetector Draadloos Binnen Ajax Systems LeaksProtect Waterdetector Draadloos Binnen Ajax Systems LeaksProtect Waterdetector Draadloos Binnen

    Ajax SystemsLeaksProtect Water Detector Wireless Indoor

    Delivery time 1-2 business days

    €77,70€64,21 -30% -30%

    The AJAX water leak detector is ideal for the bathroom, or possibly the laundry room,If 1 of the 4 contacts is touched by water, the alarm will go off immediately! You can go out the door with a good feeling!"...


    Delivery time 1-2 business days

    €64,21 €44,94 €77,70 €54,38


Water detection


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