Accessories Patch/Network cabinets (3)

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  • Pulsar RAOK-1M, Kabel management paneel met afdekplaat Pulsar RAOK-1M, Kabel management paneel met afdekplaat

    PulsarRAOK-1M, Cable management panel with cover plate

    Delivery time 1 - 2 working days


    Cable management panel with cover plate, 1U, including 4 bolts and nuts, blackPulsar products are characterised by their high performance and reliable, trouble-free operation.They are manufactured from high-quality materials, using modern methods and under strict quality control criteria.Specifications: Installation dimensions...


    Delivery time 1 - 2 working days

    €16,25 €19,66

  • Pulsar RP-U24V6, Patchpaneel 1HE 24 poorten UTP Cat5/6 Pulsar RP-U24V6, Patchpaneel 1HE 24 poorten UTP Cat5/6

    PulsarRP-U24V6, Patch panel 1HE 24 ports UTP Cat5/6

    Delivery time 1 - 2 working days


    RP-U24V6, Patch panel 1U 24 ports UTP Cat5/6Pulsar products are characterized by their high performance and reliable and trouble-free operation.They are manufactured from high-quality materials, using modern methods and under strict quality control criteria. Specifications Mounting dimensions: 19" x 1U...


    Delivery time 1 - 2 working days

    €58,52 €70,81

  • Pulsar RP-F24V6, Patchpaneel 24 poorten FTP Cat6 Pulsar RP-F24V6, Patchpaneel 24 poorten FTP Cat6 Pulsar RP-F24V6, Patchpaneel 24 poorten FTP Cat6

    PulsarRP-F24V6, Patch panel 24 ports FTP Cat6

    Delivery time 1 - 2 working days


    RP-F24V6, Patch Panel 24 ports FTP Cat 6 Pulsar products are characterised by their high performance and reliable and trouble-free operation.They are manufactured from high-quality materials, using modern methods and under strict quality control criteria. Specificaties Designation Patch panels are...


    Delivery time 1 - 2 working days

    €80,47 €97,37



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